Tuesday, May 17, 2011

sunday dinner.

this is what i had for dinner on sunday.
top sirloin steak simply flavored with a dry rub consisting of various herbs and spices. 

italian salad. this was amazzzinnnggg. it had salami, red pepper, tomato and spinach flavored tortellinis, olives and grape tomatoes with a simple light italian vinegarette. 

yukon potatoes. boiled in chicken stock until it was reduced, flavored with salt and pepp and butter. YUM. 

snack time.

i have a new favorite snack. 
(this changes so often it's nuts.)
but it's multi grain chips with jalapeƱo yogurt!
don't puke at the name. this is real time goodness!
when my mom first told me about it i was freaked out. then i tried it and thought i didn't like, but that was a lie. 
I LOVE IT. i took it to work yesterday, ate it for dinner tonight, and have already planned on eating for a quick lunch tomorrow! 

the yogurt is not spicy, but it does have a kick to it. it's also filled with great things like garlic, tomatoes, and green peppers. 

give it a try-- i believe you can get both items at costco!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

popeye pasta.

a little bit over a week ago i had to make a quick dinner.
i remembered seeing a recipe for a pasta with popeye in the name. i couldn't really remember what exactly was in it.. so i just winged it. 

1 TB. olive oil
3 cloves minced garlic
1/2 pound of chopped spinach. (i am really not sure on this... all i know is that you need  A LOT of  it because spinach shrinks down a bunch.)
sliced mushrooms
1 lb. ziti 
1 cup heavy whipping cream.
salt & pepp
grated parmesan cheese

1) get a pot of boiling water for the pasta. 
2) add the olive oil to a large pot on medium heat. once it's piping hot saute the mushrooms garlic. don't burn the garlic though--garlic burns easily. 
3)add the spinach cooking for 2 minutes or until it's just barely cooked. 
4) add the whipping cream. this will create a sauce after it's cooked for a bit. season with salt and pepper and taste. 
5)once your pasta is close to being done, drain it and add to the sauce. cook on high until the pasta is completely done.top with the cheese, and your done!

 you can adjust any of these ingredients in order to get the taste you really want. i just kind of made this up in my head. 
pretty freaking easy... AND SO GOOD.

ripoff tagalong cookies.

i was able to make these little beauties!
they are kind of like the girl scout tagalong cookies. i made a shortbread cookie, then put on a dome of whipped powdered sugar and peanut butter, then dipped in chocolate.

they were SO GREAT. they are especially good if you refrigerate them. 
and they really weren't too hard to make. 
thanks to these ladies for helping me!