Monday, February 28, 2011

Red Velvet Cookies w/ Cream Cheese Frosting.

as i was reviewing recipes last night, i found THIS RECIPE
one thing you need to know about me is that i have an extreme love for red velvet cupcakes.
so i was naturally super curious about these cookies.
i made them today. 
UNBELIEVABLE. and you guys-- they were SO EASY to make. literally, it took me maybe 25 minutes total. i would also eliminate the nuts. it just seems awkward. 
i totes plan on making these again.

le beginning.

For such a very long time, i have have people telling me i should do a cooking blog. I have always been hesitant--for no reason though. Well, these days i cook a lot and i love to document what i am doing. Since i don't want my other blog to become all about my cooking adventures I decided to start a new one to show off things i cook, my culinary school adventures, and some of my favorite things related to cooking. 

I have been fascinated with cooking since a young lady. I have a paper from 1st grade asking me what i wanted to be when i grow up. I wanted to be a pizza maker. It wasn't until about 5th grade when i changed that dream to just being a chef. and that dream has stuck with me. Right now i am attending the UVU Culinary Institute and seriously living the dream. I just finished a Baking and Pastry class where we covered how to make bread, and pastries and tomorrow, i start a whole new adventure. Cooking Skills Development. This class i will learn how use knives. literally. I also hear i learn how to butcher a chicken. YIKES. But i am so excited. 

I have also loveeeddd cooking a lot more than baking. In fact, before i started school, i hated to bake. But Chef Al taught me how to appreciate baking because guys, IT'S SO HARD. I don't think i realized how much i like to bake until today, my first day free of my baking class, i came home and found my self making pastries. 

My ultimate goal is to be a Caterer.  I would love to cater for events, weddings etc. I did an internship with the executive Chef at Thanksgiving Point and thats when I decided on catering.

So--this is my cooking blog. I hope you enjoy and if you ever have any questions about cooking feel FREE to ask. I love answering questions.
Bon Appetit.